
iOS Development

Tagged Pointer Strings

14 Aug 2015

Under the Hood of Xcode Server

08 May 2015

Demistifying Retain Cycles in ARC

08 May 2015

Web Development

React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By

09 Jul 2015

Computer Science

Hexbot Project Intro

While I am not much of a hardware hacker, I find this guys writing style is extremely informative, educational, and the things he does are just loads of fun to read about. I highly recommend his entire blog. Specifically, I want to highlight his latest series of posts about building a hexbot almost entirely from scratch including all the mechanical and software problems he had to solve along the way.

09 Jul 2015

NES Graphics (Part 1)

Fantastic read on how the NES implemented its graphics pipeline. Interesting to see just how far such a limited system (by todays standards) could accomplish.

18 Jun 2015

Implementing a Virtual Machine in C

27 May 2015

Say hello to x64 Assembly

While not extremely practical for most developers, I enjoy reading about low level systems and this guy does a phenominal job of explaining the x64 assembly instruction set and assembly coding patterns.

08 May 2015

Image Scaling using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

08 May 2015

Hacker’s Guide to Neural Networks

08 May 2015


Tutorial - Beginner’s Guide to Fuzzing

More of my passive interest in lower level system stuff. Interesting ideas and interesting tools for debugging things that can have extremely high levels of complexity.

14 Aug 2015

Git from the inside out

This is a really great article for learning how and why git works the way that it does. After reading it I would definitely say that I have a significantly better understanding of how to use git and what is actually going on so that I make far fewer mistakes. Must read for those newer to the vcs.

08 May 2015


Bitcoin mining the hard way: the algorithms, protocols, and bytes

09 May 2015